Auto Photo Manual by Benedict Redgrove

Auto Photo Manual is a captivating exploration of the images and processes from acclaimed automotive photographer Benedict Redgrove. This comprehensive book offers a curated selection of Redgrove's work spanning over two decades, featuring some of the most exotic and unique cars ever built. It delves into the art and methodology of car photography, showcasing Redgrove's distinctive style and providing readers with a rare behind-the-scenes look at the technical processes behind his stunning images.

Auto Photo Manual highlights Redgrove’s frequently referenced car photography, including images for Bertone Design studios in Turin, the Roborace self-driving racing car, Aston Martin concept cars, and McLaren hypercars. These photographs present cars as works of art, emphasising the intricate design and technical prowess involved. The book also explores the creative process behind the images, the complexities of advertising commissions, and the detailed production of car photography. Readers will gain exclusive insights into why these works were created in a specific manner, revealing the secrets behind Redgrove's distinctive style.

For over twenty years, Benedict Redgrove has captured the elegance and innovation of the world’s leading luxury and hypercar manufacturers. From concept vehicles to production models, his photographs beautifully encapsulate the essence of their design.

Renowned for his fresh perspective, Redgrove often incorporates architecture, technical facilities, or custom-designed sets into his work. This unique approach distinguishes his award-winning photographs, which have graced magazines and billboards worldwide. Celebrated for their distinctive style, his images elevate car photography to an art form, setting them apart in advertising and editorial realms.

Auto Photo Manual will be launched through a Kickstarter campaign in July 2024, where enthusiasts can support the project and pre-order their copies. In addition to the book, backers can acquire exclusive prints and postcards featuring Redgrove's stunning imagery.

Photos © Benedict Redgrove